Positive Menopause Masterclass

Treat yourself

to an informative, nurturing morning workshop

Sunday 17th March 10-1pm at the Canoe Club, Caversham

Whether you're approaching the menopause, in the midst of perimenopause or recently postmenopausal, you are very welcome to this nourishing and empowering day. We have had women join us from 39 to 67 years old.

Words participants have used to describe the day: “empowering, hopeful, supportive, loving safe space, calming”.

EARLY BIRD £35 until Valentine’s Day (14/2), full price £45, including comprehensive handout, goody bag with supplements, menopause supporting refreshments & 121 with Becca or Tessa*

(*121 is a 20-minute phone call or Zoom after the event)

Sign up to my mailing list at the bottom of the page for notification of the Early Bird cost at the next event or email for hardship fund details

Every woman should attend this groundbreaking course. Essential information shared in a safe environment.

Thank you so much Becca and Tessa, your work is invaluable and you have given me hope, much love,
— M.
Amazing session full of daily useful aids to coping with the symptoms of menopause – not talked about enough.

Becca and Tessa are a godsend and today has been so insightful and relaxing. Thank you so much.
— L.

"I'm in. Where do I sign up?"

The cost includes a ‘scrumptious’ lunch with delicious menopause-supporting foods. You will also get an amazing goody bag, yoga nidra relaxation track and yoga for pelvic health video.

Scroll down to Retreats option. Two concessionary places are available - please email to find out more.