State of Birth online symposium - 18/19 Nov

A range of incredible perinatal professionals speaking and teaching over two afternoons

We have an incredible line up of clinical speakers and experienced teachers: midwives:

Saturday 18th November

(BST times - Speaker times may be subject to change)

​12.00  Megan Rossiter (Birth Ed) How candid birth knowledge can empower: Owning the birth experience

13.05  Carmen Cardoso Rocha, Doula - Vaginal Birth After Caesarean and Mindset: Healing Deeper Level Beliefs

13.50  Nadia Raafat - Yoga nidra (relaxation)

14.20  Emma Mills, Consultant Midwife - The power and legacy midwives holding space for stories

15.05  Dr Tessa Venuti Sanderson - Embodying biomechanics for birth before labour

15.40  Pam England - Getting to the heart of the birth story: Listening beyond the medical story

16.30  Close 


Sunday 19th November

​12.00  Kelly McLaughlin, Chiropractor - Optimising neuro-biomechanical wellness in pregnancy: a chiropractic approach

12.50  Mafê Toledo - (Dance) Freedom through movement: Connecting with the mothering body

13.40  Monica Tolofari and Linn Shepherd, midwives - Concentrations of synthetic oxytocin and postpartum haemorrhage 

14.25  Judy Cameron, yoga teacher and trainer - What movement teaches us about birth: An experiential session

15.10  Leila Barker presenting the State of Birth Awards

15.30  Closing Circle with Julia Davis and Dr Tessa Venuti Sanderson

16.30  Close

Early bird price available until 6th June

  • lifetime access to recordings

  • bonus content - see also the most popular talks from 2021 and 2022: Molly O’Brien with biomechanics for birth and Dr Rachel Reed with reclaiming antenatal education

  • ask questions live of the speakers

  • learn new techniques to use on Monday morning

  • enjoy some TLC with relaxation and dance sessions

£75 EARLY BIRD to access live and recordings until 6th June.

Full price £90. Student midwives (£35), concessions (£45) please email for discount code.